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2020/2/5 8:31:22发布143次查看
日本东日ql2n-mh扭力扳手 维修日本东日扭力扳手 【详细说明】
tohnichi america corp.
677 academy drive, 
northbrook, il 60062, usa
phone +1-847-272-8480 
fax +1-847-272-8714
operating instructions accessories parts brochure
ql-mhadjustable torque wrench with metal handle
knurled metal handle version of small and mid range ql.ideal for oily working conditions
digital torque wrench tester
adjustabletorque wrench
preset torque wrench
line checker
select proper model according to unit of measure :
accuracy ±3%
model torque range dimensions [mm] sq. dr. weight optional carrying case
min.~max. graduation
s.i. metric american s.i. metric american s.i. metric american l l' r h m n d d a b kg
n.m kgf.cm. lbf.in. n.m kgf.cm. lbf.in.
ql2n-mh 20ql-mh ql15i-2a-mh 0.4-2 4-20 3-15 0.02 0.2 0.1 100 160 11.5 17.5 19 9.2 15 25.5 6.35 11 0.16 n/a
ql5n-mh 50ql-mh ql30i-2a-mh 1-5 10-50 6-30 0.05 0.5 0.2
ql10n-mh 100ql-mh ql50i-2a-mh 2-10 20-100 10-50 0.1 1 0.5 135 195 0.19
ql15n-mh 150ql-mh ql100i-2a-mh 3-15 30-150 20-100 0.1 1 1
ql25n-mh 225ql-mh upon request 5-25 50-250
  0.25 2.5   162 230 13 22 26.5 9.53 0.25
ql50n-mh 450ql-mh 10-50 100-500 0.5 5 180 260 16 25.6 25.5 11.2 20 38.5 0.45 #842
ql100n-mh 900ql4-mh 20-100 200-1000 1 10 255 340 17 32 28.0 12.2 21.7 37 12.7 14 0.69 #842 and #846
ql140n-mh 1400ql-mh 30-140 300-1400 320 400 18.8 33.5 0.79 #843 and #846
ql200n-mh 1800ql4-mh 40-200 400-2000 2 20 400 495 20 38.4 15.4 1.4 #843 and #847
ql280n-mh 2800ql4-mh 40-280 kgf.m.
kg.m 600 695 22.5 44.5 35.0 15.0 27.2 46.5 19.0 20.5 1.9 #847
4-28 0.2
also see ql which is the standard model series that features a resin grip.
carrying case 842 / 843   carrying case 846 / 847


中国 上海


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